Confidentiality Policy
Retired Firefighters Wellness Network
1. Aim
Officers and directors of the Retired Firefighters Wellness Network (RFWN) shall have the duty of maintaining the confidentiality of all jointly gathered and/or received information pertinent to its functions as a society.

2. Purpose
The purpose of this confidentiality policy agreement is to lay down the principles that must be observed by all sworn board members that have access to confidential information. 

3. Confidential information.
Confidential information within the RFWN includes all information not publicly known. This includes but not limited to:

a. Finances 

b. Personal 

c. Policies and procedures

d. Work related documents including drafts, letters, lists, files, correspondence and discussions.

4. Principles
The RFWN expects all officials to handle all information in a sensitive and professional manner. All members of the board will be under an obligation to entrust and share this information with other members of the board.
The best safeguard for this information is to limit the number of members with access.
Intentional, repeated, accidental or unauthorized disclosure of any of the RFWN confidential information will subject the abuser of this policy to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from the board.

5. Maintenance and non-disclosure
All board members:

a. Must keep confidential ALL confidential information.

b. May use confidential information solely for the purposes of performing their duties with the RFWN.

c. May share or disclose this information with other board members only.

d. If any part of this information is required to be disclosed to an outside agency
( ie: Court) all board members will be consulted and a plan of disclosure and agreement will be established.

6. Storage/Circulation
No document of any kind containing confidential information of the RFWN will be shared, displayed or communicated in any form to any one outside the RFWN Board members . 
All Board members will ensure that all confidential information shall be stored in a secured environment.

7. Ownership
Every and all confidential information gathered, researched, discussed, written or entered on computer will be the sole property of the RFWN. Upon dismissal, retirement or any other reason that a board member is released from their duties from the RFWN they must hand over any and all of this information and agree to a full non-disclosure of any and all information gathered, shared or have knowledge of during their time with the RFWN.
8. Disposal of information

Before any information is disposed of, a joint agreement with all board members shall be reached. The board member(s) will ensure this information shall be disposed of appropriately in a manner this information will be completely untraceable, inaudible, unreadable and erased permanently from any computer hardware.